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How do I make a claim?Just click any ‘Start Claim’ or "Get Started" button, answer a few simple questions and upload supporting documents OR call our friendly, expert team and we will guide you through the quick and simple process.
What documents do I need to provide?Energy supplier contract (if available) and a copy of one paid bill for each contract period.
What happens next?We confirm and calculate the value of your claim. If/When you are happy to proceed our experienced, expert, and friendly legal team will contact you.
What does the solicitor require?Your assigned solicitor will send you a Letter of Engagement (LOE) and the “No Win-No Fee” Terms and Conditions. They will then take care of everything for you.
Is this similar to PPI?Yes, this is similar to PPI. This is for the commercial (non-domestic) energy market and relates to gas and electricity bills. It has already been colloquially referred to as ‘PPI on steroids!’.
What will it cost me?As Commercial Reclaim Ltd are the UK’s leading experts our fees and service are second to no one which is why we have the lowest fees within the legal sector capped at 30% of the settlement amount. Other companies’ fees are usually between 35-60%. Some are even charging a ‘management’ fee on top of your legal fees. There are no upfront costs whatsoever and you ONLY pay when you win! We NEVER ask for upfront fees!
How do you get paid?We receive ALL our fees directly from the solicitors 30%. There are no extra or hidden fees.
How long will my claim take?This is very much depending on the size of your company and the complexity of the case. Most cases are settled within 3-6 months, but some can take up to 12 months.
What should I do if my broker or supplier contacts me?Simply refer them to your solicitor.
Will I have to go to court?It is highly unlikely that you would ever have to attend court. If you did, then your solicitor will support and guide you every step of the way.
Can I claim on my current contract without cancelling it?Yes, you can.
Can I do the claim myself?Absolutely, of course you can, the information is out there, but it’s difficult to find and complex to calculate, all in all it's a stressful time-consuming process. Then you must find a legal practice with the relevant commercial law experience and expertise, robust ATE (after the event) insurance in place to protect you against any legal expenses and will take your claim on a no win no fee basis, with a low success fee. All this before the constant calls to check the progress of your claim with no support. As the UK’s leading experts Commercial Reclaim Ltd do all the heavy lifting for you. Remember – Commercial Reclaim Ltd have a 100% success record and the best client support in the industry!
"We do not use a broker"Are you SURE? Some brokers call you pretending to be your energy supplier. If you always call the energy supplier, then this doesn’t apply to you. If they call you, then you probably used a broker.
"I’ve used a broker for several years, I have a great relationship with them, why should I review their commissions?"At least 20% of your monthly bills are pure commission! Brokers frequently become friends, sending cards and gifts ensuring they may continue to profit from you. Have they informed you of the amount of commission embedded into the contracts? We can inform you how much of your bills are pure commission, and then you may decide whether or not to proceed! We collect the evidence from the energy supplier because most brokers would not inform you or us, thus we proceed directly to the top!
"It’s too much hassle and effort – I don’t have the time"We understand how busy you are, so we have simplified the procedure to guarantee you are not disturbed. Your solicitor handles everything after the initial disclosure stage.
"Someone had previously explored this for us, but nothing could be done"Allow us to look into this for you. If we find that you have a valid claim, we will win it for you. It will not cost you anything to check.
"I get additional services, not just energy contracts"Unless you pay for sensors to be installed on your pipes and cables (Monitoring Services), you have been misled. The energy supplier provides FREE services such as bill analysis, bill validation, energy efficiency advice, smart meter installation, and so on! Additional paid-for services are independent from the energy contracts, and you are free to continue with those if you wish.
"I pay a management fee"As the management fee was up-front and you knew about it before signing, there is nothing we can do about that. However, commissions were still imposed in the contracts, which we can get for you. You are effectively paying them TWICE!
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